Jack King A New King of Thrillers

Context, Friends and Inspirations

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C3I - command, control, communications and intelligence - Command and control refers to the ability of the military commander to direct his forces. The addition of Communications to the grouping reflects the fact that communications is required to enable this coordination. In modern warfare, computers are also a key component. Intelligence is the knowledge relevant to the coordination of forces. Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance are methods of obtaining this intelligence. These terms can be used to refer to infrastructure, a role of military units or individuals, or procedures employed

COLD WAR - a tool devised to control the populations of the "west"

CANARY TRAP - A canary trap is a method for exposing an information leak, that involves giving different versions of sensitive information to each of a group of suspects and seeing which version gets leaked.

CASE officer - staff officer of an intelligence agency, also called an OPERATIONS officer or AGENT handler or controller

CENTER - Moscow headquarters of the KGB

CHICKEN FEED - mineal information offered to a double agent, used to establish him / her as someone with access to intelligence

CHRISTIANS in Action - old slang for the CIA

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency - Long-ceased to be an intelligence-gathering agency; a regime-change paramilitary-force, operating domestically and abroad, operating outside of governmental control / scrutiny, too the detriment of the American people

CLANDESTINE operation - actions that are meant to be undetected

CLASSIFIED information

COBBLER - specialist who forges passports

COGNITIVE WARFARE - shaping perception / war, waged against You

COMPARTMENTALIZATION of information means to limit access to information to persons who directly need to know certain such information in order to perform certain tasks. The idea is that the fewer people know, the better, because as the number of people "in the know" grows, so does the risk or likelihood that such information could be compromised or fall into the hands of the opposition. As such, there tend to be varying levels of clearance within organizations. However, even if someone has the highest clearance, certain "eyes only" information may still be restricted to certain operators, even of lower rank. In intelligence administration, it is particularly useful to keep close watch on "sources and methods" information, so as to prevent disclosure of people and their activities, whose lives may be at risk, if such information were publicly disclosed, or, once again, fall into the hands of the opposition.



CONSUMER - person or an organization on the receiving end of intelligence obtained by spies

COOKED Intelligence - distorted intelligence passed on to a double agent, containing some truth

COUNTER-ESPIONAGE - spying directed against an enemy's spy system, such as by recruiting agents in foreign intelligence organs

COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE - the activity of preventing the enemy from obtaining secret information.

COUP D'ETAT - a coup can be brutal and bloody (ie: the Assassination of JFK, or the 2014 US-funded and supported coup in Ukraine), or soft, ie: the "Russia Gate" Operation conducted by the deep state in conjunction with no fewer than 50 high-ranking intelligence operatives, and supported by mainstream media and oligarchs, to install a compliant demented puppet in the White House...

COUSINS - slang for CIA operatives


COVERT operation - those actions for which the government will deny knowledge or responsibility

CROOKE, Alastair


CSE - Communications Security Establishment (UKUSA Alliance member - Canada)

CSIS - Canadian Security and Intelligence Service - Canada's spy agency - CSIS works closely with the intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Under the post-WWII Quadpartite Pact all intelligence information is shared between the intelligence agencies of these four countries. While largely relying on information gathered by other countries, CSIS performs its own analysis. Security Liaison Officers (SLOs) of CSIS are posted at Canadian embassies and consulates to gather security-related intelligence from other nations. This information may be gathered from other national intelligence agencies, law enforcement services and public sources. SLOs also assess potential immigrants to Canada for security issues. As a civilian agency rather than a law enforcement agency, CSIS employees do not have arrest powers.

CT - CounterTerrorism

CUT-OUT - In espionage, a cut-out is a courier or mechanism used to pass information and devices from one spy to another while operating in a "denied area" or a hostile environment. The two forms of cut-outs are the block and chain. A block cut-out is an agent familiar with the entire spy network or cell and those who are in it, while the chain cutout is simply an agent who is aware of only the person providing the information and the spy who is receiving the information. The chain cut-out helps to maintain the compartmentalization of the spy network, which increases security by maintaining everyone's anonymity. The term cut-out may also be used more generally to describe a person or agency used as a pawn by intelligence agencies. (see also LETTERBOX)

DANGLE - a dangle is a fake defector / or a spy posing as an informant who supplies deliberately misleading information

DEAD DROP - pre-arranged location for dropping off secrets / receiving instructions and money

DECOY - person used to distract, confuse the adversary

DEFENSE MESSAGING SYSTEM (DMS) - secure electronic mail system used within the defense community

DEFCON - Defense Condition

DEFECTOR - In politics, a defector is a person who gives up allegiance to one state or political entity in exchange for allegiance to another. This act is usually in a manner which violates the laws of the nation or political entity from which the person is seeking to depart, as opposed to a change of citizenship, which does not typically defy the law of any nation.

During the Cold War, the many people escaping from the Soviet Union or Eastern Bloc to the West were called defectors.

DGSE - General Directorate for External Security - The Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE) or General Directorate for External Security is France's external intelligence agency. On April 2, 1982 it replaced the Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage (SDECE). Its motto is Partout où nécessité fait loi ("In every place where necessity makes law")

DIPLOMAT - must not be confused with a POLITICIAN


DOUBTING THOMAS - A technique used to see operations through the eyes of the opponent

DST - Domestic Security - The Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST; Directorate of Territorial Surveillance) is a directorate of the French National Police operating as a domestic intelligence agency. Its attributions include counterespionage, counterterrorism and more generally the security of France against foreign threats and interference, including economic. It was created in 1944 with its headquarters situated at 7 rue Nélaton in Paris.
The DST Economic Security and Protection of National Assets department has units in the 22 regions to protect French technology. It has been operating for 20 years, not only on behalf of defense industry leaders, but also for pharmaceuticals, telecoms, the automobile industry, and all manufacturing and service sectors.

DIPSEC - Diplomatic Security

DISINFORMATION / MALINFORMATION - a thought-control weapon - in the USA and the West an expression that deviates from the official narrative


DOUBLESPEAK - language used to disguise actual meaning, used by military and government agencies (for example: 'physical persuasion' instead of torture, 'neutralize' instead of kill, 'preemptive war' instead of illegal invasion, 'terrorist' instead of freedom fighter, etc.)

DRB - Defence Research Board, Canada; in cooperation with the CIA, performed torture studies involving sensory deprivation, electroshocks, LSD, etc. See also so called doctors: Donald O. Hebb and Ewen Cameron

DRY CLEAN - to dry clean means to evade surveillance

DSD - Defence Signals Directorate (UKUSA Alliance member - Australia)


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